vineri, 8 aprilie 2011

Klaus and deaths

So the internet has been a-buzz today with what we’re sure will now become a Vampire Diaries tradition: Guessing which of our beloved Mystic Falls residents will not survive the season. The biggest difference between this season and last is that the feeling of dread has reached a near-unbearable pitch due to the impending arrival of Klaus. TV Guide‘s Robyn Ross caught up with Candice Accola to talk about Caroline and Matt’s very human relationship and the very inhuman threat of someone even Katherine is afraid of. (Read the entire interview at TV Guide.)

Here comes Klaus. Before the upcoming April 21 episode, Klaus, played by Joseph Morgan, is still a faceless name that conjurs up a ton of fear and anxiety. Accola says those who were terrified when Katherine came to town ain’t seen nothing yet. “If she’s 10 steps ahead of everyone, Klaus is on the other side of the world — Klaus is on the moon!” she says. Luckily, we’ll get some history lessons soon about who Klaus is and what he wants.

And Katerina Graham dropped this bombshell to TV Guide:

“Three huge characters are going to die — solid characters — and it’s going to change the destiny of the show.”

And in addition to discussing (cryptically) what Bonnie’s role in the final showdown with Klaus is, and how our favorite Bennett witch is prepared to do what must be done to protect Elena, she had this to say to TV Line (read the entire interview):

Graham is extra tight-lipped when it comes to big bad über-vamp Klaus (played by British newcomer Joseph Morgan), save for this cryptic tease: “He’s more than you imagine. That is my secret to you. That is my riddle and my big twist.”

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